It Lives!!! Mar 03, 2010 This is data from a Nintendo Wii balance board being rendered in a HTML5 canvas element within the chromium web browser :) It also works in firefox and epiphany. I’ll post more about my reasons for doing this soon.
Pleasant Surprise Jan 24, 2010 My degree is the ‘with industrial experience’ variant of computer science taught here at Manchester university, which essentially means that I do the first 2 years of my degree then go out and work for a year before finishing the third and final year of the degree. That means I have to find somewhere to work for a year, and one placement I applied for was with the mbed team based at ARM. ...
An Afternoon's Work Nov 03, 2009 Before: After working on Banshee bug 588255: It may have taken an afternoon, but it’s worth it :)
Speed, Speed, Glorious Speed Jun 22, 2008 The above is a screenshot of Galaxium’s file transfer window, whilst sending a file to a WLM client. The speed gets cut off in the column, but that reads ‘424.18 KB/s’. There are a lot of rough edges right now, but fast file transfers are coming :)